Two new sweaters!

I’ve been working to up my sweater game recently, and correcting past mistakes. One mistake I made early on when getting back into this hobby was to use the wrong yarn. When I took up crochet as a child and then as a young adult, I made nothing more challenging than granny square blankets, so…

A bit hokey – I mean homey

I did this latest project on a whim, after seeing several photos of giant crocheted Christmas trees. Apparently, these giant community projects are A Thing now. So I decided to do a very small version. This took a bit of planning, since I had to decide the underpinning structure and whether I wanted to crochet this in just…

These slippers bite!

I’ve been doing a lot of repetitive projects lately, mainly replacing items I lost in the fire (hats, scarves, etc.). But recently, I was asked to do something unique for a friend. As with many things, this request was made after someone saw an amusing Facebook post: a pair of shark slippers. So I had…

A stash buster, but not really…

A couple of friends recently moved and bought a new house (as in brand new – it was custom built for them). I wanted to make something as a house-warming gift in colours that they would appreciate. Her signature colour was purple and he tended toward greens. After much deliberation, I decided to go with…

All the cool kids are doing it

Everyone’s making “stash-busting” projects nowadays – items meant to use up your left-over yarn. Although granny squares were the original stash-busters, other types of projects have recently appeared, taking advantage of this thrifty habit. Seriously, do a search on “stash-busting crochet” and see what comes up. I’ve been meaning to get to one of these,…

Lots of stuff and a PSA

It has occurred to me that I haven’t posted lately. I have done a lot of projects but didn’t bother to take a picture of them before I sent them off. And in some cases, I just made more items like I’ve made before. But here’s a partial list: Another thing I’ve been working on…

Okay – this is what it looks like on

Yeah, it’s been a while, but I’ve been busy moving house. I think I’ve mentioned that our house burned down in a wildfire. After a year and a half of battling on many fronts, we decided not to re-build and ended up moving 560 miles away to the Oregon coast. A couple of our best…

My first Tunisian crochet project!

I’ve had it in the back of my mind to try my hand at Tunisian crochet for a while now; I even bought a set of hooks and had some projects lined up to try – someday. But with all of the other things I wanted to make, jumping into this new style kept being…

Speaking of moss stitch…

Sheesh – I totally forgot about this project I did a year or so ago. I’ve been replacing/re-making what I lost in the wildfire (in many cases, correcting previous errors…) and wanted to replace one of my hooded cowls. I had made a couple of other items with moss stitch and decided that I’d use…

Well – that was fast

I discovered this sweater through one of the several Facebook crochet groups I belong to. The pattern is on YouTube, but with no written pattern, but you can adjust it as needed. I had been looking to make a sweater just like this for ages, so was very happy to discover this video. The sweater…